Gameplan Dashboard


The Gameplan Dashboard is a centralized location where project managers can have a high level insight to all the projects that are being managed by them. The dashboard will display all the projects and display the percentage completed. In addition, project managers have the ability to see the number of hours used for the project and also see the breakdown of hours used for Workstream or by Person. The dashboard allows the project managers to see Cost vs Value for each project.


The Dashboard summary includes the following information:

Click on the number associated with the issue to get an option to show the tickets in a search window or in a grid format below the charts.



From the Gameplan Dashboard selection boxes, you can make the following selections:

Note: If your screen resolution is set to less than 1,440 pixels, the flyout on the right side of your screen (Activity Feed and Revelations) will collapse, giving more space to the charts.